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Building a House: the Ultimate Checklist

Building a home is usually a long and complicated project. People shouldn’t go into it without proper planning and budgeting. If you approach the construction process systematically and with a few contingencies, you could
Megan Williams
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Aug, 15

Modernize Your Home: 4 Inspirational Interior Design Projects

Have you recently realized that your home is missing something to look fabulous? If it’s been a couple of years since you’ve dedicated your time to decorating the living space, it probably lacks some
Megan Williams
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Aug, 15

5 Ways to Create Your Home Office

Although there are many reasons people decide to work from home, spending more time with their family is probably the biggest one. Now, whether your home office is a separate room for business purposes
Megan Williams
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Aug, 15

How to Put Your Excess Yard Space to Good Use

All yards are equal, but some yards are more equal than others. All jokes aside, anyone who’s blessed with a yard knows how to adjust that space to their own needs. If you have
Megan Williams
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Aug, 15

Fun ways for your child to learn a new language

Are you a parent? A sibling? A grandparents perhaps? Childminder, teacher, homeschooler? Continue reading and you will find a gold mine of fun tips and tricks to help teach your child a new language.
Megan Williams
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Jul, 28

Low Testosterone level: When To Worry About Your Relationship

Sometimes lack of knowledge is what that subjects families to trouble in their relationships. You should know that testosterone reduction in the body is a gradual process, but with the help of treatments like
Megan Williams
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Jul, 20

Amazon calls the tune with launch of its own pop concerts

Amazon left a trail of boarded-up bookshops and music retailers in its wake as it revolutionised the way we shop online. Now it has the live music industry in its sights.
Megan Williams
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Apr, 29

Half an hour with mother boosts child’s skills for life

Children’s intelligence and social skills can be significantly affected by the activities they do with their mothers, scientists have suggested.
Megan Williams
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Apr, 14

Catching glimpse of a hobby

The hobby is a neat little slate-blue falcon with a white cheek and a black moustache, and also scarlet-feathered thighs, or “trousers”, as they are sometimes called.
Megan Williams
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Mar, 31

Games guru takes fun to another level

Sensitive subjects are not out of bounds for award-winning Brenda Romero and her team of developers in Galway, writes Graeme Lennox
Megan Williams
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Mar, 15