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Bones reveal we shared planet with primitive cousins 240,000 years ago

Did they meet? Beneath the South African sun, did our ancestors come across a strange humanlike tribe with small skulls and an unusual method of burying the dead? Did they live alongside each other
Megan Williams
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May, 23

Holy guacamole, that’s got to hurt!

The global love affair with the avocado ends badly for too many home chefs
Megan Williams
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May, 7

We must accept that university education isn’t for everyone

Rising interest rates on student fees aren’t just making a university education more expensive for young people – it exposes our over-reliance on universities to provide the preferred route into work. Instead, we should
Megan Williams
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Apr, 24

Leading universities still failing to attract the poorest students

Students from the poorest parts of Scotland remain under-represented in higher education, particularly the ancient universities, according to government figures.
Megan Williams
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Apr, 14