Megan Williams
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Nov, 28

Why cleaning your reusable cotton bag is essential for your health

One of the main ways people are trying to help out the planet is through increasing their use of reusable bags and reducing the amount of plastic bags they go through with their weekly shopping. One of the ways that plastic bags do tend to beat most reusable options is in hygiene. The multiple uses of a product that sees a variety of different items pass through it inevitably leads to a lot of bacteria build-up. Keep reading to find out how you can keep your reusable cotton bag clean and why it is essential in safeguarding your health as we head into the prime cold season.

Bacteria hide in the fabric of many cotton bags

A recent study found that bacteria with the capacity to cause food-borne illnesses were found in a large number of cotton bags tested in the sample. Whilst the cleanliness of our reusable bags is not something we consider on a daily basis, the existence of bacteria in the material makes sense when you consider the process. We put a large amount of animal and wider food products in the cotton bag which is then sometimes left in hot environments like cars before being stuffed away again until future use.

How to make sure your cotton bag is safe and clean

As shown there are a number of dangers when it comes to the daily use of your reusable cotton bags. Put simply, a regular clean is vital if you are to keep you and your family healthy. We recommend using a good anti-bacterial wipe for regular maintenance. Try to use it whenever you have used your cotton bag to carry food produce.

On top of the regular cleaning, you should stick to a deep clean of your cotton bags every once in a while. Find a good washing detergent and mix it with a small amount of water. After this apply the mixture to the interior and exterior of the bag. This method can also be used if there are any persistent stains on the cotton bag that you want to get rid of.

Cotton bags are still a great reusable eco-friendly product

Whilst cotton bags do need some care and maintenance to ensure they are a safe product they are still great for the environment when reused enough times. If you are a business looking to promote your brand with these products make sure you go through an expert custom cotton bag supplier to make sure you give your customers a product they can use on a regular basis.

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