How to help your students prepare for their GCSE English

GCSE English is something many students fear and barely scrape through during the GSCSE process so as teachers it is our job to make sure that it is a bit easier for them.

Writing responses the questions can be tricky and so teaching them the correct methods for each type of question is the most valuable advice you could give.

Level of Communication

Teach your students the levels of communication they need to gain the marks they wish. The marking scheme is as following for 2018 but may vary from year to year so make sure you keep it up to date.

  • simple, limited communication (Level 1: 1-6 marks)
  • some successful communication (Level 2: 7-12 marks)
  • clear and consistent communication (Level 3: 13-18 marks)
  • convincing and compelling communication (Level 4: 19-24 marks)

Get your students to plan the ideas and points the want to communicate before they start to write and then use revision sessions to help them build their writing skills for communication.

Practice makes perfect

Organised group discussion can be a great approach for students to analyse each other’s work and discuss what methods may lead to better and more convincing and compelling communication.

Getting your students to carefully plan their answers before writing can help increase the level to which they work at also

Online Resources

There are many online resources you can use including all of the revision resources and much more that are featured and shared on sites such as Teachit English.

Getting involved with such an online community of committed teachers can help you learn from them and share you knowledge as well.

Visit their site and register now for free to get access to amazing resources.