Using Apps to Get the Most Out of Your Bible Study

For years my only real study of the Bible was going to church on Sundays, sitting down in the pew, listening to the half-hour sermon, and calling it a day. Recently, I’ve been wanting to take my connection with the Bible and with God to the next level by studying the Word more carefully. After all, a once a week church service is great, but it can’t replace individual studying and personal understanding.

Luckily, I’ve come to find that there is no shortage of resources when it comes to getting my daily bible studies in. With the apps I’ve found, I’m able to learn and consider the Word of God every day, and I feel that it has only deepened my faith and devotion.

Get live streams of your favorite services

The first thing I started to look for when I decided to dive deeper into my Bible study was good sermons. There are plenty of live streaming church apps that function much like Facebook live for church services. You can often find the streams saved to a video library, so you don’t even have to necessarily watch them live, and you can get a few lessons in even if it’s not a Sunday. If they have not been recorded, then you may want to record them yourself with software from websites like so you do not miss out on any of the sermon live streams. Watching live church services has also connected me with new minister sermons, and I’ve now discovered multiple pastors that I truly enjoy listening to, and I really feel like I can understand and connect with them. Watching or listening to sermons throughout the week has been the perfect way to study the Bible as a daily practice.

Use Bible lessons to supplement church going

Some say that live streaming hurts church attendance, but I’ve actually found that the streaming can really act as a healthy supplement to my regular church-going. For example, video resources could be used to support faith formation, religious education, and personal and professional enrichment during Continuing Education for Clergy programs. I also have had some eye-opening experiences while finding other ways to give more depth to my Bible reflection. As I was searching for more support, I came across this useful list:

Ways You Can Listen to Bible Study Live Streams

The apps I found through it have become some of my main staples. In fact, the app has been my go-to app every time I get in the car. I love having the chance to listen to the Bible every morning on my way to work. I not only feel like I’m learning so much more, but I also feel so relaxed and refreshed when I go to start my day!

Search for sermons to find the right lessons

Another source that has been a huge help has been apps like the app, which allows for sermon searches so you can find the exact lessons you’re looking for. Often times life throws unexpected hurdles our way, so I like to be able to listen to sermons that are related to whatever challenges I’m going through at the moment. If you know how to use Sermon Net or other sermon libraries, you’ll find that God has an answer to any question or struggle that you’re going through, and I find that to be truly uplifting.


There are so many options when it comes to getting your own Bible study, but I really recommend trying out some apps and seeing what you like and what works with your own learning process. Even if it’s just a Daily Bible Verse app or a Gospel Radio, whatever you can do to deepen your connection with God will be well worth it.