Useful Tips for Aspiring Teachers

Understand the requirements in your state. Teaching requirements vary greatly. Some states require you to have a degree in the subject that you want to teach. Some states also require additional education and student teaching. Also, you should determine if you want to teach in a public school or a private school. Private schools generally have fewer requirements to teach than public schools. However, pay at private schools is lower than at public schools. The number of students in an average class will be lower than at a private school.

Passing the Praxis exam is required to become a teacher in about half of the states in the US. There are usually two separate Praxis tests. Praxis I is the Pre-Professional Skills Test that has three exams reading, writing, and mathematics. Praxis II covers a variety of different subjects. Only 46 percent of teacher candidates pass the Praxis tests on the first attempt. The pass rate for teachers is actually lower than for doctors, lawyers, and nuclear engineers. With this in mind, you should take a Praxis Core practice test before taking the real one. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses on Praxis Core practice tests will help you determine a study plan.

Being professional as a teacher is important. You should speak appropriately and avoid using slang except for rare circumstances. You should be professional in clothes, manners, and the way you carry yourself. While teaching, you should speak loudly and clearly enough so that your students can always hear you. You should not be late for your assigned classes or any teacher meetings. Understand the policies of your department. Read the newest research manuals in your field. Never share extremely personal information with your students. You should maintain a proper teacher-student relationship with them. It is also necessary to constantly inculcate all these values in your teaching from time to time. Only then would you be able to become a successful teacher. An effective teacher will know how to prepare the next generation of students to become successful. The information in sites like could give you more insight on what all is necessary to become an efficient as well as a professional educator.

You should create firm rules on your first day of class and not deviate from those rules. You need to document all discipline issues thoroughly so that you can reference details when dealing with administration and parents. Understand what is reasonable discipline when dealing with students. Let parents know if there is a discipline issue with a student. Do not yell or reprimand your students too often. Give your students some freedom and remember that you are a teacher and not a prison guard. Try to not approach students as an adversary. Acting adversarial can lead to some very unpleasant confrontations. Try to not only discipline bad behavior but also reward students who do not cause problems in your class.

Another useful tip for aspiring teachers is to make sure that you are prepared for your teaching assignments. Whether teaching Shakespeare or advanced mathematics, you should devise lesson plans before you start teaching a class. Make sure that your daily lesson plans are well prepared. In the case that your class completes your lesson quickly, you should plan extra activities for your class. Learn how to use the equipment in the class such as data projector, media player, and television before you need to use the items with your class. Be ready to explain any grades that you gave to your students. Also, know what the disaster plan is so that you will be able to lead your class in case of an emergency or drill. Being able to relate your lessons to your students’ lives will make you a more successful teacher.

Overall, you can have a successful career as a teacher if you prepare yourself for success. Following the useful tips of this lesson will make your career as a teacher easier.